7 Tips to Protect Your Privacy Online

In the technologically advanced world, there is no one who doesn’t know the term Google. Whenever any question arises on the mind, everyone just googles the solution to the problem on Google. You do lots of things from sharing photos, pictures, and videos to browsing. It’s not so that only honest people are on Google but there are many who steal others’ confidential information and access their device to swindle them online. The person committing the illegal activity of attacking others’ privacy is dubbed as the non-ethical hacker. Keeping your privacy intact has become much more important in today’s world.
The tips to keep your privacy non-vulnerable to online attacks are here to keep you safe from the quagmire of cybercrime.
Check social privacy settings
Being on a social media site is not safe because all the information and details about you reach the social media company. it keeps eyes on every message you send and receive but all the social media companies are legally bound to adhere to the policies of keeping users’ data safe. It is likely that you may come under cyber attack from a cyber bluff. You must take a glance at your social privacy settings and adjust them to your safety needs. From Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp to TikTok, all these offer privacy settings that you may use to protect you against the cyber attacks.
Avoid accessing unverified websites
In search of good PC Softwares and android apps, you visit a lot of unverified websites. These websites accumulate details about your browsing history and access your device to know what you mostly search and thus target you with ads. These websites usually belong to marketers whose ads appear on your device. These websites sometimes ask you to join or subscribe when you visit them.
Use secure passwords
Weak passwords are like weak doors that any evil guy can break and access your online world illegally. Creating strong passwords helps you remain safe in the world of online threats. You should avoid using your phone number as passwords. Doing so may be risky and land you in difficulty. You should write some gibberish characters that are hard to think of and make these characters your passwords because strong passwords are very hard to crack. You must keep your focus on creating strong passwords for an email id as an email id is attached to all other sites. Once your email id passwords are revealed, you may lose all of your accounts attached to the same. You should use more than 12 characters to create safer and stronger passwords. You must never use the same password for all sites because it may offer you pandora’s box. Try using different passwords for all different sites, it strengthens your online safety to a high extent.
Avoid giving permissions to unverified apps
Whenever an app is downloaded and installed, it asks for permission to work on the device, accesses contacts and files on the device storage. It asks for a go-ahead to use the camera and microphone too. Some apps don’t work unless permission is given. If you download an app from an unverified source next time, you must not install the app. The app can cause harm to your device and is likely to steal your passwords and personal details belonging to you. Giving an app the permission to access your device is like giving a red carpet welcome to a robber at your home. You should avoid doing so.
Keep cash safe from online defaulters
Online bluffs are emerging everywhere. If you make an online transaction, you must purchase a new SIM card and create an email id that you will never use to visit unauthorized websites because the unauthorized websites can access your email address and empty your bank account. You should keep in mind that online transactions are somewhat risky and should be dealt with carefully.
Avoid using public Wi-Fi
Using public Wi-Fi is free of cost but sometimes may cost more than dollars if online hackers access your bank account and empty it. Connecting to public Wi-Fi is unsafe. There are many people connected to the same wifi, so, anyone having the ill intention may secretly look into the details of your device and disturb your privacy.  You are supposed to avoid using public Wi-Fi as much as possible. If your device is connected to a public hotspot, you must use a secure VPN connection. All these precautions help you stay safe and protect you against online threats.

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