How to Fix Windows 7 won’t Update?

When you are trying to update your Windows 7, you may get stuck due to some reasons such as cache, insufficient disk space or improper Windows Update service etc. So, if you would like to fix this issue, then here are some fixes to solve this problem.

Run the Troubleshooter
First and foremost, run the Windows troubleshooter to diagnose and fix the issue. Here are the steps to follow.
  1. Navigate to the Control Panel on your system.
  2. Thereafter, click on the Troubleshooting option.
  3. Then choose the ‘Update Troubleshooter’ option.
  4. Now, check if the issue is resolved or not.
Reboot the BITS Service
Sometimes, the BITS service can cause Windows 7 won’t update issues. Here are the steps to help you restart it.
  1. You should select the Start menu to invoke the Search section.
  2. Then input ‘control panel’ into it to launch the Control Panel.
  3. After that, locate the ‘Administrative tools’ option.
  4. Go to the ‘Services’ option and click on it.
  5. You have to reach the ‘Background Intelligent Transfer Service’ and right-click on it.
  6. Later, select the Properties option.
  7. You should click on the General section and later choose the Startup type option.
  8. Don’t forget to choose the Automatic option.
  9. Thereafter, mark the Start beneath the ‘Service Status’ section.
  10. Select the OK button.
  11. Now, reboot the system to store everything.
Tweak the Windows Registry
Here are the steps to help you make changes to the Windows Registry.
  1. You have to launch the Registry Editor on your PC.
  2. After that, pursue the path: KEY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders.
  3. Don’t forget the value of AppData is %USERPROFILE%\\AppData\\Roaming.
  4. You should modify it to this value, otherwise.
  5. Shut it and attempt to upgrade the operating system once more.
Free Disk Storage
If you do not have sufficient device space then you will not be able to update the system. Here is how you can free up space.
  1. Navigate to the Start menu on your system.
  2. Thereafter, input ‘disk cleanup’ into it and hit the Enter key.
  3. Once you reach the Disk Cleanup, select the drive you would like to clean up.
  4. Then select the OK button.
  5. Now, permit the scan and then remove a few files to free up space.

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