How to Fix Netflix Not Showing or Loading on TiVo Box 312

TiVo has slowly become an integral part of its users’ life. It offers several functionalities, such as DVR recording, on-screen schedule, and even a wish list. However, it is prone to errors. Netflix is one of the most popular video streaming platforms globally. However, its online content might not be working on the TiVo. In this article, we will show you five possible solutions to fix this issue quickly.
Sign Out and Sign Back In
Before trying out any other solution, you need to log out of your Netflix account and log in again. Most users report that they had fixed this issue simply by logging out or logging in again.
The issue is more likely to emerge when the application has recently received updates or has undergone maintenance.
Reboot Your Device
You can switch off the entire home entertainment system in a safe manner. Manually check for any device-related settings or features, like ways of shutting down or different menus, etc.
After you have unplugged all devices, wait for some moments to plug them in and restart it again. Several devices enter the hibernation or sleep mode instead of switching off. The standby or sleep state can preserve specific settings and activate it when the device is ready for use.
Switch Between Child Protection Off and On
Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Visit your “Virgin Media” account.
  2. Go to the “My Apps” option of your account.
  3. Locate the “Web Safe” button under the “My apps” option.
  4. Enable the “Virus and Child-Safe” button ON.
  5. Now restart TiVo Box.
  6. Open Netflix on your TiVo box.
  7. Disable the child-safe option.
  8. Now you need to check the issue resolved.
Put Hub into Router Mode
Here are the steps to follow:
  1. Open your default browser on your device.
  2. You have to log into your hub’s page by entering “” in the address bar.
  3. Now enter your login credentials.
  4. Select the “Modem Mode” button that appears on the left side of your screen.
  5. Select the “Disable Modem Mode” option.
  6. Select “Apply Changes.”
  7. Now you need to wait until your device reboots.
  8. Now restart the TiVo box.
  9. To check the issue resolved, you need to launch Netflix and check if it works.
You Can Also Restore the Hub’s Modem Mode
Follow the steps 1 through 4 from above. Then select the “Enable Modem Mode” option. Check if the issue is resolved.
Contact TiVo Customer Service
In some cases, problems occur due to persistent issues, so the service center only fixes it. Hence, if the above procedure can’t solve your issue, then you need to contact the TiVo customer care service. You can save lots of time by addressing your problems to the professional.
Hopefully, the above solutions can fix the issue relating to Netflix not loading on your TiVo. The customer care support for TiVo and Netflix are extremely proactive and can address the problem quickly. So feel free to try out the final solution if nothing works.

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