Microsoft May Buy Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment from AT&T

The world of business is very weird and can be very confusing, sometimes, especially when it comes to corporate acquisitions. Well if you don’t believe us, then we got some big news for you today.
 According to rumors and speculations, it is believed that AT&T is looking to sell their biggest asset (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) for £3.1 billion to Microsoft. 

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is a big company that has lots of studios in the UK and the US. The company owns the rights of some of the biggest gaming franchises and many unused gems.
According to a report published by The Information Microsoft has expressed its interest in buying the company. However, it is believed it won’t be a quick process and might involve lots of time too. But if these rumors are true, it’s undoubtedly one of the smartest moves by Microsoft which will haunt its biggest competitor Sony for many coming nights.
 If Microsoft purchases the company, it will surely hit the jackpot, and get rights to some of the biggest assets of the Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment. For example, Arkham series (Batman games), NetherRealm (Mortal Kombat series), TT games (Lego games), Monolith (Shadow of Mordor), Avalanche (AAA game setup in the Harry Potter Universe), etc. These are some of the biggest assets and most successful gaming franchises which are owned by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Thus, if Microsoft is really purchasing Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, they will surely hit the jackpot and will add some of the biggest game’s franchises in their arsenal (Xbox Series X) to compete with its rival Sony (PlayStation 5).
But as of now it is still not confirmed, and it’s only a rumor. Besides this, who knows some other company might also be interested in purchasing this asset from AT&T. Well, we don’t know what will happen in the future, and like everyone else will have to wait for any official announcement by both companies.
Wrapping it up
We are very excited about the upcoming acquisitions and looking forward to seeing what games Microsoft will be bringing to its Xbox Series X once the acquisition process is completed. It’s really a very smart move by Microsoft to purchase Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
Are you excited about this acquisition? If yes, do let us know about it and the games that you will like to see in Xbox Series X in the comment section below. We would love to hear your views about that.

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