Online Privacy: Best Tips to Protect Your Data

In today’s world, more than 3.6 billion people are connected with social media. We share our photos, videos, do online shopping, and a lot more. With the increasing popularity of social media, cyber crimes are also increasing. 
You must have heard that someone’s account was hacked, or private photos/videos were leaked. These are some big problems on social media, but you don’t have to worry about all these. Today we are going to share some privacy tips with you that will help you to make yourself secure on social platforms.
Use trusted passwords
Whenever you create a new password, avoid using common keywords, especially something related to your name or family member’s name. Guessing passwords related to you or your family is very easy. And never share your password with anyone.
The stronger your password will be, the more difficult it will be for someone to hack it. To make your passwords secure, they must contain capital letters, lowercase, numbers, special characters (@, #, etc.).
Avoid unnecessary exposure
Always be careful while using a browser or an app. Most of the applications ask you for permission to access your gallery, contacts, etc. So, be cautious while giving consent. 
Always use trusted applications and download them from trusted websites. To maintain your privacy online, always disconnect your device from GPS when you no longer use it. The GPS service shows where you are located. So being always connected with GPS can be harmful.
Use antivirus
Always install an antivirus and keep updating it. Antivirus will not only protect your device from malware but also will keep your personal information safe.
It is one of the best features to protect your data. You can back up your files in real-time to the cloud that will make another copy of your data. In case you lose your data, you can recover it from the cloud storage.
Browse in incognito or private mode
You should be using this feature if you don’t want your computer to save your browsing history, cookies, or temporary files.
Be careful where you click
While browsing be careful of links, avoid clicking unnecessary links, fake emails, or strange URLs. Most of the hackers generate these kinds of links and try to get your information.
Disable lock screen notifications
Never forget to disable lock screen notifications, it will help you protect your day to day business and personal information.
Stay private on WiFi networks
We never think before using any public WiFi connection; this is seriously not so cool. Public WiFi networks are usually not encrypted. This means anyone on the same network can try to pry on your traffic and can get your private details.
Avoid transmitting any sensitive data — logins, passwords, credit card data, or personal information over public WiFi. Always use a VPN ( Virtual Private Network ) to encrypt your data and protect it from prying eyes.
Awareness is vital, especially if you are connected with social platforms. If you use these tips, the chances of your information falling into the wrong hands will significantly reduce. Be careful, be safe!

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