Disney Should Bring Back Daredevil

Several people became subscribers of Disney+ with the hope that the streaming service will bring back one of the iconic shows ever created by Marvel.

Yes, I am talking about Charlie Cox starrer Daredevil.

Well, it is safe to say that Netflix loves canceling shows. We have seen a lot of splendid shows getting canceled at the platform, and that includes all the Marvel shows that were used to be made at the platform. However, a show whose cancellation has hurt most people is none other than Charlie Cox starrer “Daredevil.”

Only if you have seen the TV series, you would understand that it is one of the greatest superhero stories ever created on screen.

What was most disappointing about the series was the fact that Netflix canceled the show after the release of its third season. Yeah, right when Bullseye had made an appearance, and the show was looking to launch itself to another level.

However depressing it was, the cancellation did not surprise too many people. It did make people sad, but it was not something like a shock to most of us. When the deal between Netflix and Marvel fell off, the latter was already signing papers for the launch of several Marvel projects at the upcoming Disney+, a streaming service that was just coming out of Disney’s womb at that time.

Many experts already knew that the moment Disney decided to launch its own streaming service, it was not going to keep its content on Netflix. And, of course, Netflix wouldn’t have allowed it either. No streaming service likes to lose subscribers, and now we know that Netflix has lost some subscribers after the launch of Disney+.

In September 2019, the vultures were circling around the fate of Marvel-Netflix shows. While Netflix was kind of enough to let the shows complete the projects they were currently on, the cancellation was an inevitable conclusion.

Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Iron Fist, and The Punisher all got canceled.

Meanwhile, Disney kept on building its platform.

There was a clause in the written contract signed by both Netflix and Marvel that forbade the latter from producing any series for two years after its cancellation on the platform of the former.

Nobody knows the details the clause had entailed, but a report published by IndieWire last year did suggest to us that Marvel cannot even hold talks about featuring those characters in a movie or a TV series up until, of course, the two-year time frame runs out.

What that clause basically meant was that Netflix was the owner of those characters for two years.

Do you want to hear some good news? Netflix cut all of its ties with Daredevil producers pertaining to any future project on November the 29th, 2020.

So, if my mathematics and memory are in the right place, the two-year time frame is already up.

So, given that all we have heard up until now is an absolute truth, Disney now has no legal obligation from Netflix, and it can produce, create and launch shows like Daredevil on Disney+ or on Hulu (Disney has also owned the rights of Hulu).

Of course, the shows can only be revived if Disney wants to revive them.

Source: Disney Should Bring Back Daredevil

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