Everything You Need to Know Before Buying Last of Us 2

The Last of Us made waves in the game industry when it was first released. The setting of the game was in a post-apocalyptic world where a kind of fungal infection has turned people into zombies. Although the zombie plot is a bit overdone in a lot of games nowadays, Last of Us got it just right as it focused on a much different family dynamic gameplay that was not seen before. After such a job well done with the first edition, players are really excited about the second installment in the franchise as it is mere weeks away from being released.
The Last of Us 2 comes in at a similar time as its predecessor in the sense that it will act as the swan song for the PS4 before the PS5 comes as its predecessor did for the PS3. The fan base and everyone else waiting are psyched for the release even after the many leaks that happened.  Spoilers aside, there’s plenty of exciting changes coming to the series as players fit themselves in Ellie’s shoes this time. The gameplay as well will be different, so here are the things you have to look ahead to in the new game and do not worry, it’s spoiler-free.


As compared to the first game, having played as a father and daughter duo, this game makes you fit into Ellie’s shoes for a majority of the gameplay. There are certain changes that can be seen in the characters as we can see, Ellie has grown up quite a bit since the last game and is 19 now transforming into a fully capable adult, and Joel, her dad, keeping true to the timeline is in his early fifties. The finer details can be noticed here as Ellie is far more flexible in movement.
Although carrying similarities with the first games, players will notice various gameplay changes along with new environmental elements. Environments throughout Jackson and the Pacific Northwest will be much more open-ended, sandbox regions compared to some of the more condensed areas in The Last of Us. The map mainly surrounds a corroded Seattle which players will find themselves exploring as the game moves forward. There is exceptionally more vertical, or climbing gameplay involved than before with players using it to traverse the broken-down city.
The players will have to constantly look at different ways to continue exploring, such as jump ledges, use ladders, and Ellie has even learned how to swim for a change. Though most of the game will constitute on horseback, small boats will be used to traverse bodies of water too. Where The Last of Us had some minimal linear exploration throughout each section, it seems The Last of Us Part 2 will be further emphasizing the player’s ability to explore environments as they please.



In the form of enemies or possible allies, The Last of Us 2 has given Seattle plenty of dangerous groups. Firstly come the two factions that have colonized the city and are constantly fighting to gain supremacy over the area. The Washington Liberation Front, a highly organized militia group with military-grade equipment, took Seattle with force upon the collapse of the US military. The Seraphites, a tribe-like religious cult that may have a strange connection to the Fireflies, seeks to advance their mysterious agenda forward into Seattle. The player will often come in contact with the factions while progressing their missions in the city.
Apart from the humans, being a post-apocalyptic genre game, and like the first game, there is always the threat of the infected. In The Last of Us 2, there are plentiful infected roaming around. Despite the years gone by after the outbreak, the effect of it in forms of the infected has not worn off. The player needs to be really careful before taking every step as the infected have mutated to form new abominations that are extremely dangerous. Enemies like the Runners and Clickers are still present in this world, and new enemies like the hidden Stalkers and or the explosive Shamblers will challenge the player in the depths of infected zones in new ways. With the game still to come out, players need to be careful of every turn and corner when they get their hands on it as there are plenty of enemies to fight in The Last of Us Part 2.


With the launch of the game merely two weeks away, it’s always better to know which version to spend your money on, and like other major games, there are a whopping five different editions to choose from for The Last of Us Part 2: Standard Edition, Digital Deluxe Edition, Special Edition, Collector’s Edition, and the “Ellie” Edition. While the titles may be a bit vexing or confusing, basically there are three tiers of the game here.
All the different versions with an increase in price will include more and more features, additional benefits and game merchandise as well. For example, the standard editions as the name suggest it includes the full game with a few in-game pre-order rewards like ammo capacity upgrades and a crafting manual, which applies to all editions. And the “Ellie” edition includes quite a few additional features as well; a 7″ vinyl selection of the original soundtrack, a full-size replica of Ellie’s backpack in-game, a The Last of Us Part 2 patch, all packaged in an exclusive box featuring the art from Ellie’s tattoo. It’s your decision—the Last of Us Part 2 releases on 19th June 2020.

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