Rocket League Has Given Lion King a Remake

There are some movies that will always have a special place in your heart. No matter how many times you watch them, your eyes will always hurt from holding back tears. One such movie is The Lion King. Every time I watch it, it only makes me feel closer to the characters than the last time. I have watched it many times, and I know I’m not the only one. The movie is a classic that speaks to every viewer, no matter what age group they belong to.
Given that the film is a classic, it has had its fair share of crossovers. However, its latest crossover in the Rocket League has taken everyone by surprise. Usually, any crossover involves characters that could, at the very least, be organically alive. So when Rocket League released a video with “Circle of Life” playing in the background, nobody knew what to expect.
This crossover between The Lion King and Rocket league, which seemed highly unlikely, was surprisingly successful! We don’t know how the thought even crossed their minds, let alone how they managed to pull it off. If you haven’t seen it for yourself, you might have a hard time believing us when I say that the car that was presumably Scar actually looked like him! Maybe it was the way that its headlights made it look slightly evil or the fact that it had cat ears. I can’t quite put a pin on it.
Did the Cars Really Pull-Off the Iconic Scene?
In the video game, the iconic scene of Mufasa’s death is re-enacted by two cars. An orange car (Scar) and a yellow car (Mufasa). Just like the Lion King scene, the yellow car is dangling off the edge, barely holding on with its fore-wheels. The Scar car bumps the Mufasa car off the edge and causes it to fall. In the scene that Rocket League is attempting to re-visit, Mufasa hangs on for his life and asks Scar for his help, hence the betrayal. We fail to see how the car version of Scar could possibly help the Mufasa car even if it wanted to. Also, where did the Mufasa car fall to? Did he survive? Maybe the drama lies in the open ending. The scene did remind us of the Lion King, though, so we can give them that.
The short video that Edurph posted was quite enjoyable to watch even for an outsider, and it was accompanied by many others. Someone who’s a fan of both is sure to enjoy this thoroughly. Here’s to hoping there’s more in store.

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